i wanna' be just like you when i grow up

My photo
the outrageous, the whatevers, the inspired, the contriversial, the outcasts, the down right brilliant, the originalss. /////////// - "we've got to get out of this trap! Before this... decadence... saps our wills. I've got to be strong, und try to... hang on! Or else, my mind may well *snap*! Und my life... will be lived..."

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


"This is a small collection of collages documenting my trail of thought whilst exploring the concept of the ‘misuse of religion’. In this series, I was interested in exploring ancient, archetypal symbolism; extremely common in Renaissance and pre-renaissance religious paintings and icons and applying them to a modern context. Through this, I wished to explore the juxtaposition of ancient tradition and modern life."I'm particularly inspired by spiritual philosophy, i'm interested in the way boundaries between the known and the unknown and mystical and scientific merge. I'm inspired aesthetically by Mario Hugo, Hannah Hoch and the Dadaist photomontage artists, although the existential theme was greatly inspired by artists such as Francis Bacon. My work is also greatly influenced by existential themes in music like Beck’s ‘Modern Guilt’ and The Horrors’ ‘Primary Colours’ After I leave college, I’d love to study the field of artistic philosophy and work in a contemporary art gallery. After posting my work on Tumblr, I’ve had mainly positive feedback, the best compliment I’ve received was when one user told me my work made them think, instead of passing it over as just a ‘pretty picture’. Although because of the religious subjects I’ve chosen, some of my work could be considered taboo, a few people have told me that it could be considered offensive, especially “Science Fiction”, the piece I made concerning Scientology. Although I’m glad that my work has sparked a debate, I’d say that my work wasn’t created to offend, but to make people question their viewpoints on our deep set traditions.

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